Athlete of the Month 2023
Austin Youth Fitness Athlete of the Month is a showcase of the talented young people in our community. The power and spirit of our youth is limitless, and AYF thinks it's important to let other young athletes know what their peers are doing in the fitness community.
Congratulations to the following AYF Athletes of the Month!
December Athlete of the Month!

Luka has been an AYF athlete since he was 4! We can count on seeing Luka every summer for camps and throughout the school year in cycle the city day camps. He was nominated by his coaches because "Luka is so kind at heart and a friend to all. He comes to all AYF camps and clubs ready to work hard and lead through his actions. I'm always excited when I see Luka's name on the registration because I know he'll serve as an example to the other AYF athletes."
In addition to running and biking with AYF, Luka loves biking the 10 mile loop at Lady Bird Lake, played on the Elite soccer team at Lonestar, and is in the Junior Development program at Austin Tennis Academy. Not only is he a well-rounded athlete, but a lover of the arts! Luka plays piano and violin and is fluent in spanish.
This year at the New Year's 5K Relay & Kids' Mile, Luka finished first in his grade level with a mile time of 7:01! Way to go Luka!
Luka's favorite things about AYF are the coaches, the places you go on the bike rides, and the friendships.
Luka's favorite things about school are math, PE, and friends. When he grows up, he wants to be an engineer, runner and tennis player.
Way to go Luka Cornelius for being AYF’s December Athlete of the Month!
November Athlete of the Month!

Rider has been participating in AYF summer camps and clubs for 2 years. He has participated in many summer camps and most recently the 10K Training Club. He was nominated by his coaches because "Rider is so persistent and always working to improve. He brings a positive attitude and always puts his best foot forward. Rider is motivated, driven and has wonderful sportsmanship."
In addition to running with AYF, Rider is on the climbing team at Austin Bouldering Project. He practices climbing 2 times per week and has competed in multiple climbing competitions. He even qualified for the regional competition in Dallas last year! At just 11 years old, Rider has completed four 5k’s (including some trail runs and one that started in a cave!), one 10k and now the 5 mile Turkey Trot.
Rider's favorite thing about AYF is playing the games!
Rider is homeschooled, but he does attend a homeschool program at Idea Lab. There, his favorite activities are 3D printing and coding. When he grows up, Rider wants to be an Animator. When he’s not animating or playing video games he loves spending time with his dog Tippy and cat Tulu :)
Way to go Rider Paine for being AYF’s November Athlete of the Month!
October Athlete of the Month!

Murray has been with AYF for three years! He participates in Barton Hills biking club, running club, and cycle the city camps. He was nominated by his coaches because "Murray is an AYF veteran, and he has participated in numerous camps and groups over the past few years. He is super positive and always so happy to be in running and biking club with his friends. He has a big imagination and makes every situation a fun one."
Murray is in third grade at Barton Hills Elementary. Murray has been attending AYF after school clubs and summer biking camps since he was FIVE years old! He has NEVER missed a biking session! Murray's dad, Daniel is a passionate cyclist who was determined to have Murray riding a bike by age three! Murray loves biking, fishing, sports, school, friends, his family and dog, Ables. Murray has two younger brothers, Anderson (6) and Mack (3). He takes his role as the oldest brother very serioulsy and does his best to lead them right :) Murray attends Austin Stone Community Church and is an active member in their Sunday School program.
In addition to biking with AYF, Murray plays baseball with South Austin Baseball and soccer at West Lake Soccer Academy.
Murray's favorite thing about AYF is biking around Austin with friends.
His favorite thing about school is the nice teachers and recess. When Murray grows up, he wants to be a hunting tour guide.
Way to go Murray Mahoney for being AYF’s October Athlete of the Month!
September Athlete of the Month!

Abby is a regular in the Forest Trail running club. She was nominated by her coaches because "Abby always shows up to running club with a positive attitude - ready to run and have fun. She leads by example and makes the experience fun and worthwhile for all by being a great listener, putting in her best effort, and encouraging others!"
Besides running with AYF, Abby is a dancer and plays piano and viola!
Her favorite thing about AYF is running together with other kids and the coaches.
Abby loves school because "it’s a great place to learn anything…especially learning science and doing experiments!"
Way to go Abby Cheung for being AYF’s September Athlete of the Month!
August Athlete of the Month!

Ayden participated in three AYF camps this summer and has been in the Pease Park Biking Club for a year! He was nominated by his coaches because "Ayden is a friend to all, a reliable team member, an AYF veteran, and consistently brings a positive attitude to any group he is a part of."
Ayden loves biking with AYF, taking swimming lessons, playing soccer, and practicing Kung fu. He has gained a green belt with a white stripe.
His favorite things about AYF are the coaches and having fun exploring the city with the other bikers.
Ayden's favorite thing about school is seeing his friends. He loves math and wants to be an engineer when he grows up, and he likes PE because "it’s so fun to play with all my classmates". Ayden attends the Austin International School where he is learning French and Spanish.
Way to go Ayden Conway for being AYF’s August Athlete of the Month!
July Athlete of the Month!

Lucy participated in the After-VBS Cycle the City camp this summer. She was nominated by her coaches because "Lucy is not only a strong and skilled biker, she is a delight to be around! Her personality combines determination and fun, and although one of our youngest riders, she was a great example for the other bikers. We just loved having her in camp!"
Lucy's parents say that she has always been the athlete of her family. She has participated swimming, soccer, gymnastics and tumbling and is wonderful at everything she tries.
Her favorite things about AYF are the stops during cycle the city to cool off at the pool and the coaches. She says they are all super friendly and motivating when she needs that extra push.
Her favorite thing about school is recess because that's when she can make new friends and play with all her friends. Also, she loves when she gets Cougar Pride because she gets to see Mr. Tinnon. When she grows up she wants to be a veterinarian so she can take care of all the animals that need help and adopt all the cats that do not have a home.
Way to go Lucy Flores for being AYF’s July Athlete of the Month!
June Athlete of the Month!

Matteo participated in the beginner biking club and has now joined the cycle the city riders for 4 weeks of summer camp! He was nominated by his coaches because "Matteo is the most kind, hardworking, and positive kid. He brings laughter, hugs, and joy to any group he is a part of. Matteo is super tough and never backs down from a challenge. If you know him, you love him!"
Matteo plays soccer at WAYA and plans to play basketball next. He is also a member of the children's choir at his church.
Matteo's mom said he has loved AYF since day one and his favorite things about AYF are making new friends, his coaches, riding his bike around Austin, and stopping at pools and splash pads! He also loves doing the AYF chant at the end of clubs and camp. Austin Youth Fitness, YEAH!
Matteo’s favorite thing about school is PE, art, and music. When he grows up, Matteo wants to be a weather reporter and wants to learn about tornados.
Way to go Matteo Lorenzo for being AYF’s June Athlete of the Month!
May Athlete of the Month!

Arlo participates in the Hill Running Club. He was nominated by his coaches because "Arlo is one of the most hardworking kids I've ever coached. He is a great listener and leader, and always gives his 100%. His enthusiasm always makes his friends and coaches smile!"
Arlo is a Cub Scout, plays flag football, ATX Ballers, and soccer. He also enjoys swimming, skiing, archery, and hiking! Arlo is a well-rounded athlete!
Arlo’s favorite fitness accomplishments are winning the spring K-1st grade i9 flag football championship with his team, the Chargers, completing a 4.5 mile hike around Lake Georgetown, hiking at 10,000 ft in Colorado, and treading water for 45 seconds (his PR!)
Arlo's favorite things about AYF are the coaches and running laps before drills (Coach Camille says Arlo runs as many laps as he can!)
Arlo’s favorite thing about school is making new friends, and he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up.
Way to go Arlo Johnson for being AYF’s May Athlete of the Month!
April Athlete of the Month!

Penelope participates in the Gullett Running Club. She was nominated by her coaches because "Penelope is a leader, she comes with a smile on her face, and is always ready to run and have fun!"
Penelope enjoys running with her family, especially her dog, Leo! She also loves baking and cooking.
Penelope's favorite thing about AYF is playing games!
Penelope’s favorite thing about school is reading, and when she grows up she wants to be an Animal Conservationist and teach the world to love wolves.
Way to go Penelope Escandell for being AYF’s April Athlete of the Month!
March Athlete of the Month!

Elijah participates in the Baranoff Running Club. He was nominated by his coach because "Elijah is a stellar athlete, teammate, and friend to all of his peers in the Baranoff running club! He is always challenging himself to continuously improve, while at the same time motivating his teammates and encouraging them to be the best versions of themselves. When I arrive to running club each week, Elijah is already leading his own pre-running club warmup and making sure he is ready to go. Instead of just doing 2 bear pace laps, he keeps going and does more and more each week. This week, he ran 24 laps (the equivalent of 3 miles) for his warmup! I have loved watching Elijah grow as an athlete and as an individual over the past 7-8 months and how he has truly developed a passion and love for running!"
Elijah loves playing on his soccer team, riding his bike, hiking, fishing and swimming. Each week he comes home from Running Club talking about the goals he set going into the day and loving when he’s met or exceeded his run goals. To see that he can meet and exceed his personal expectations has given him confidence in running and in other areas of his life to keep pushing and never give up. He enjoys the friends he’s made in Runnning Club along with a sweet admiration and fondness for Coach K that has grown throughout the year.
Elijah loves Math, Science and studying all things space. When he grows up he wants to continue studying space! He also enjoys volunteering to help with the younger kiddos at his church.
Way to go Elijah Lira for being AYF’s March Athlete of the Month!
February Athlete of the Month!

Allie has been in the Barton Hills Running Club since the fall semester. She was nominated by her coaches because "Allie is always giving her best effort, having fun, and is always thinking of her fellow athletes."
Allie is a multi-sport athlete: she’s a runner with AYF, a part of the US Kids Golf Tour, and plays for Westlake FC Soccer.
Allie’s favorite thing about running club is endurance day and running the mile!
Allie’s favorite thing about school is math.
When Allie grows up, she wants to be a professional golfer and she is well on her way as she is a National Finalist for Drive Chip and Putt at the Augusta National! Congratulations Allie!
Way to go Allie Stevens for being AYF’s February Athlete of the Month!
January Athlete of the Month!

Noah participates in the Westenfield Biking Club as well as many biking day camps. He was nominated by his coaches because "Noah is such a hard worker, plays really well with friends, and is always eager to bike and play. We love having Noah in biking club!"
Noah also plays baseball in the Western Hills little league and is a Cub Scout with Lion Den Pack 91. He is also a strong swimmer and won his heat a couple times this summer in the Lakehills Splashers swim league!
Noah’s favorite thing about AYF is biking and being outside!
Noah’s favorite thing about school is riding his bike to and from school (we like how you think Noah!) When he grows up, he wants to be a firefighter.
A note from Noah’s parents: Noah is funny, kind and smart. He loves making people laugh. We are so lucky have him in our lives!
His coaches agree!
Way to go Noah Oliver for being AYF’s January Athlete of the Month!